
DIY Reversible Wood Blocks

I've slacked off on posting anything in ages, but I think this post will make up for it! 

When I first saw these blocks on Pinterest, I thought they were adorable! You can buy a complete set on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/162311598/reversible-happy-halloween-and-merry) but I wanted to try my hand at making a set for myself. 

I couldn't find a tutorial out there, so I kind of guesstimated on the lumber cuts. It seems to work out pretty well! 

At Home Depot, I bought a nice whitewood 2"x4"x92 5/8" for about $3 and had it cut down to the following lengths: 

3 pieces at 6.5" long
1 piece at 6" long
2 pieces at 5.5" long
3 pieces at 4.5" long
1 piece at 7" long, then cut down to 2.5" wide. 

(My local store cut them for free, but some stores may charge you per cut.) 

You should also pick up a sanding block of about 100 grit, or use a palm sander with 100 grit sandpaper to round out the block edges and smooth the faces of your blocks. 

I picked out a variety of basic craft acrylic paints at Michaels to use for this project. While you can use any colors you'd like, I chose: 

Americana Paints
Lamp Black
Spiced Pumpkin

Craft Smart Paints
Lush Foilage
Holiday Red

Using a small foam brush, begin by painting one side of the blocks. You may need to do more than 1 coat of paint, depending upon your wood quality and paint. I brushed to the rounded edge of the block and left the block sides natural. After your paint dries, you have a few options for putting the letters on. You can stencil them on using painting stencils (found at Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc.), vinyl stickers or freehand paint them. I chose to paint mine on using a small paintbrush. Here are the types of brushes  you could use: 

If you're using a stencil, I'd recommended using a paint dauber brush instead. 

After a few coats of paint, here's my finished project! 

Happy Crafting! 

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